Section 1 Modelling of Trajectory and Fate of Spills
  Environmental spill modelling and risk assessment of Orimulsion 400 and Heavy Fuel Oil; Oil spill modelling near the Portuguese coast; The influence of oil particle size distribution as an initial condition in oil spill random walk models; Expected impact of oil spills in the Southern Ocean; Oil spill scenario modelling for Sakhalin shelf; Numerical simulation of oil spills and oil combating techniques.
Section 2 Spills in Estuaries and Coastal Areas
  Modelling of oil spill evolution in estuaries and coastal regions; The integrated use of chemical and biochemical markers for assessing the effects of the Aegean Sea oil spill in the Galicia coast (NW Spain); Bioavailability and metabolism of pyrene in sediments with the polychaete Arenicola marina; A numerical tool for hydrocarbon pollution forecasting in the autonomous port of Bilbao.
Section 3 Biological Impact of Oil Pollution
  Stress responses and vibriosis induced by petroleum hydrocarbons in the penaeid shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers); Have efforts to clean up the marine environment been successful? German beached bird surveys provide an index for oil pollution levels in the southern North Sea.
Section 4 Cleanup Measures and Recovery
  Groundwater clean-up: the optimization perspective; Gel-like protective coating for keeping oil and petroleum products from evaporation; Rehabilitation of waste lagoons from petroleum and coal processing; Basic study on recovery of spilled oil in the sea by the use of buckets; Biological cleanup of oil spills on sandy beaches by land farming techniques; Potentials for use of biosurfactants in oil spills cleanup and oil bioremediation.
Section 5 Experimental and Laboratory Analysis
  Development and application of a hyphenated analytical and chemometric method in petroleum characterisation, identification and degradation studies; Identification of oil spills by GC/MS finger-printing in relation to the Danish maritime oil spill response.
Section 6 Oil Spill Detection and Prevention

Correlation of weathered and unweathered oil samples using the carbon isotopic composition of individual components in the crude oil; A fibre optic sensor for the detection of hydrocarbon fuel spills; Sensitivity mapping of particular sensitive areas; Design of a program for the protection of small islands from oil spill and waste.